Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Stick it, Tuesday!

Well, it's time for has seemed to become a biannual homage to one of my faves, Supah.  It used to be weekly but as with all things, life happened and it seems time is flying past me at Mach Five.  New career, going back to college, kids, husband, weather... you know, LIFE.  I haven't had the time to get on my blog like I've wanted but I try to trek back here often enough to keep a few followers...

So, without much more hype, here are my random thoughts from this week! 

Had a mommy/Middle Man date:

Got to eavesdrop on Prodigal! Hey, I was walking up the stairs and heard voices at midnight.  I thought maybe it was "those" voices but it turned out to be:
So don't judge me..

I also got to spend HOURS in my commute last week because of the snow....Holy fucking cow.....
And then I had the pleasure of finding pieces of something all over my living room floor at 0430:
After that, apparently the the Shepherd and the cat have made nice again.  It's terrifying actually:

But in the end the snowstorm brought about some good old-fashioned family fun:

And after I launched off the ice ramp in the kiddy saucer, catching about five feet of air and landing several feet away from my snow vehicle? I think this falls under either the, "What the fuck were you thinking?" or, "How much did you fucking drink?" category....

So go...Go now and visit my beautiful friends Chief, the awesome Barefoot Dreamer, ever handsome and  wisest male blogger I know Southern Sage, and of course two of my favorite tweeps the most awesome Chibi Jeebs and Mayo Pie.
 One last thing, for all of my readers who don't wear a size two I found the perfect poster:

I love the man that created this poster.....


VandyJ said...

Our cat has been macking on our dog recently too. It's just wrong.

Trac~ said...

Welcome back girl! Love your post its today and the poster at the end was AWESOME and so nice to know that a man created it! Sounds like you had a lot of fun sledding - hope your back feels better soon! :o)

Janie Woods said...

I'm been around...Just not enough time in the day to be on here like I used to!

Anonymous said...

good stuff!!

I so stole the hell out of that bottom poster too!

Spanish Fly said...

When all else fails, I can come to you for a sense of sanity. (personal note) Why God??? Why did you put that Prius on the left lane???? Why!!!!!! (thanks I feel better) Girl you Rock!!!

Janie Woods said...

Darlin' Sage, I knew you would!!

Janie Woods said...

Spanish Fly! Thanks! Nice to know that I'm not the only one that wants to put my bumper through the back window of a Prius and just push it down the freeway..

Oka said...

I love that bottom poster.

Snow with kids can keep you young, snowmen, snow angels, and sledding :D

BNM said...

Great posties!! & I love the poster :)

Karl said...

Good afternoon Janie,

It's not just the Prius, it's the Toyota brand. Although there does seem to be a correlation. The greener the car the more asinine the driver.

Martie said...

I also have a cat and dog love affair taking place on my couch. They are either "play fighting" or licking each other. It's like a train wreck--I don't want to watch but can't take my eyes off of it--sorta like porn...

Chapter Two said...

hey girl - you are the best. I suck. Real life taking over... ugghhh glad I made it by today though.