Friday, October 30, 2009

Freakin' Friday!!!

Hey!!  It's Friday and it's Halloween weekend!  Yay!!  As I'm writing a guest post for the Barefoot Dreamer today, I'm just going to put a joke up that gave me a hearty laugh this morning:

Ahhh, the wisdom of youth....

Have a great Halloween!  I know mine will be full of football, trick or treating and drunken debauchery at a costume party tomorrow night!  You'll hear about it Sunday, I'm sure..



Trac~ said...

LOL - I LOVE that joke - TOO CUTE AND FUNNY! Can't wait to hear all about your party - have a great time and take LOTS of pictures! :o)

Something Happened Somewhere Turning said...

Have a fun weekend.

Patois42 said...

That, my dear, is going to count as one of my favoritest jokes ever.