Hmm, it's Stick It, Tuesday. I have to admit, not a fan of Tuesdays in general, but these do make it more tolerable. It's time to pay homage to Chief, because she turned me onto it, and Supah Mommy because she's just a great read and fun blogging friend.
So, here goes my genius this week:
My middle son came down with a nasty case of the flu. No, not H1N1, just the regular kills more than 130,000 people a year, make your life completely miserable and you WANT to die because it sucks so bad flu. That said, the trip to Nightime Pediatrics (our doc was booked) was a TREAT!!!
Then there was the drama of being an athlete's mother:
Add to that the Pregnant With My Third Kid from Yet Another Guy That I'm Not Married To's sideline conversation to all parents at the game on Saturday: "Yeah, his doctor said he's recovered really fast from H1N1." And, "Damn, my son is so good he's sick all week with the swine flu and can still outplay all the kids on the team." Ummm, here's one for you:
So, take a lesson my dear readers. Get vaccinated, albeit too late for The Middle Man, and get your kids vaccinated. Don't forget your pet shots, too. God forbid we have some hybrid swine/bird/dog flu get started....Sheesh!!
Love to you all, now go give love to the people I stalk. They are all wonderful, beautiful, funny as hell writers!!
Good morning Janie,
Your stick it Tuesday is becoming a favorite stop of mine, always good for a grin.
I'll drink to that!!
Too funny- dropping by from PINT!
Hope your son feels better!!!!
I adore these post-its! Particularly your last one.
Love your post its!
you are too much!
love it.
and how bout when a PIG gets the SWINE FLU!
whaaaa?? WHO CARES.
I can't stand moms like that one at football. Ugh. It makes me wish that one of my kids would bite her or something.
All this flu stuff needs to stop!
I think I'll take your advice on the rum...
LOL love your post-its and your blog - too cute! Thanks for stopping by to say hello on my blog this morning and YES my 2 teenagers are exactly WHY I DRINK! HA! Have a great day! xoxoxo
I like the people that are self-diagnosing H1N1. Let's get some more attention folks!!
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