Monday, December 21, 2009

WTF Happened to My Blog???

OK, I admit it...I've been very neglectful of my blog and  my followers.  I would like thank those of you that didn't bail on me, BTW. 

So, WTF??  Did Cutest Blog on the Block go under?  Is it MY network?  I know it's been a month or so, but did someone steal my background??  Can YOU see it??  I can't!  I'm freaking the fuck out here!!  Someone stole my balls!!!!

Now, I'm not sure if there is treachery afoot and I'm not pointing my finger at anyone (it's rude to point and I have better uses for my fingers) but something happened to my balls.  How can I do Boobs, Ballgames and Beer without the balls????  I've got the Boobs up there, I write about beer and had balls all over the face of my blog!  I can't do the blog without them! 

Sheesh...Go to college and lose your balls...I thought that only happened to men after the "I Do" part. 

Can someone please tell me if they see them?  I'm hoping it's just the fact that I'm wasting taxpayer dollars on a snow day in DC (no one told me that essential personnel are so essential that we don't have to come to work when the government's closed) so it could be the firewalls.  Kinda weird being in the Pentagon alone, I could run naked up and down the hallway and only the cops and construction workers would know. 

Anyway....balls, please???


Chibi Jeebs said...

I can still see your balls, hon. *roflsnort* ;)

Sassy said...

Totally see your balls. They're nice BTW. ;)

Shell said...

I can see them. You've got some big ones.

Lori said...

It's probably really inappropriate, but I am at work and looking at your balls.

Anonymous said...

oh-uh - I see no balls! My screen is saying "program not responding end now" oh - oh...

Anonymous said...


Karl said...

Good afternoon Janie,

I can see them, but to tell you the truth. I'd rather watch you run up and down the hall naked;)

Anonymous said...

I have a set but I'm not sure whose they are, it changes from day to day!

S3XinthePantry said...

There they are big and big


Melisa Wells said...

I see your balls. Must be your eyesight that's the problem...

Unknown said...

that was sooo funny, i can still see your balls, lol lol lol

Janie Woods said...

Whew!! I went home and lo and Behold! My balls were all over the place, just like they're supposed to be...Ironically, I had to point them out to my husband.

*sigh Sometimes, he just doesn't get my humor....

Something Happened Somewhere Turning said...

Welcome back.

supahmommy- somethin's wrong with that girl said...

balls is good... im sure it's way late and you've got it all covered but i just wanted to say balls

and boobs
and balls
and boobs'

merry xososoxo-mas !!