Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Aren't You a Little Old for Slumber Parties??

"Hey hon, George wants to know if I can go to his house for a play date?" 

Well, that's not EXACTLY what was said by The Man, but it may have well been!  You see, the east coast has it's drawbacks when it comes to Monday Night Football.  Specifically, kick-off isn't until 9 or 10 p.m.  Last night was a double-header, so the first kick-off was at 7.  Not so bad.

So, back to the play date.  See, The Man was off shift last night so he wanted to go to George's house for Monday Night Football.  George lives about 30 minutes away. Little Man has football and David has TKD on Mondays--at the same time, ten miles apart....

At this point, I was having visions of a bunch of guys sitting around in their underwear, drinking beer and eating pickled pigs feet and hard-boiled eggs.  I was starting to enjoy the idea that it wasn't MY house 15 cops were converging on for male bonding. (I also had this ridiculous vision of them sitting around combing each other's hair and gabbing about The Real Housewives of New Jersey...) 

"But ALL the guys from the shift are going to be there! Everyone else's wives said ok!!Hhooonnneeeyyy....pluheeze????"

So, after laughing my ass off at having a 39/6 year old in the house, I told him that if it was OK with George's wife it was OK with me....But, on the side of safety and seeing the two cases of beer he was taking with him, I made him pack his backpack with his toothbrush, jammies and change of underwear, put a sleeping bag in the backseat of the truck, gave him a kiss and made him promise to call me when he arrived.

I haven't seen him since.....


Chief said...

My husband does this every year for Superbowl. He has done with the same group of friends since they were in High School. I tease the hell out of him but I actually think its amazing that they still do it!

Anonymous said...

Boo Yowwwwwwwww
go big boy! Sounds like a perfect night to me. Game was over by 1 tho, hmmmm
Georges house dosn't have a stripper pole does it?

Janie Woods said...

If it had a stripper pole, I would have gone.....

CJ Mollo said...

Another fantastic post. Love your style, Janie. Your blog will be the next one I review on super Reviews. Also, I had to add comment moderation to my blogs because those jerks from AATSR won't stop leaving isiotic comments! What prunes!